Here are some opinions and insights to keep you abreast with some online trends and standards.

7 Proven Strategies to Increase Organic Engagements on Facebook Posts
Undoubtedly, it’s becoming difficult to gain much organic engagement on Facebook posts lately. You’ve noticed despite your 1000+ followers on Facebook, you find it difficult getting at least 100 likes and comments?

Balancing family and running a business over the holidays
Every entrepreneurs’ struggle is how to balance spending time with their family and running their business especially during the holidays. Apply these tips to help you stick to all of your work deadlines, while still being able to enjoy the holidays with your family.

5 ways to manage your time as a Mompreneur
A Mompreneur is a relatively new word that is used to describe women who are balancing the roles of a mom and entrepreneurship. Over the past few years, more and more moms are becoming Mompreneurs.

How To Define Your Target Audience
The heart of any marketing campaign involves a well-defined target audience. The core of marketing is to deliver the right message to the right people. Marketing your product to the wrong people wastes time, money, and business potential.

Why Your Business Needs Twitter
Twitter has 330 million monthly active users and over 500 million tweets are sent out per day. This is makes it an effective channel for communication, and not just personal communication,

15 Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes And What To Do Instead
In today’s technology-driven society, where there were nearly 4.6 billion active internet users last month, businesses have to have a digital presence. Because of this, digital marketing is a necessity.

What Makes a Good Website Design?
A quick Google search will bring up pages and pages of results all promising to share the 8, 9, 10-and so on-principles of good website design. Why so many? Because ‘good’ is subjective….

How To Install WordPress
There are basically three ways you can install WordPress on your website. In this guide I will show you how to install WordPress using all three methods, so you can use the option that suits you best.

The Art and Science of Writing Your Web Copy
When it comes to creating web copy for your website, however, you may wish to try your hand at this yourself. And that’s because no one knows your business like you do.

5 Ways to Make Your Email Subject Line Work For You
Email marketing seems like a straight forward thing, but there are lots of little things that can have a big impact on the success of your campaign. We’ve talked before about how to improve your email open rate, and one of the most important things is the subject line.

10 Ways To Improve Your Email Open Rates
When you create an email marketing campaign how can you know if it is working? Most likely you will track your email open rate and your conversion clicks. But conversion clicks can’t happen until after the recipient opens the email. You email campaign’s success depends foremost on email open rate.

Understanding Professional Self-Care
When we examine professional self-care we first have to understand what self-care is. Self-care is an increasingly popular term, but it is not a new concept. We have written on the importance of self-care and avoiding burnout before.

15 Signs You Are Ready For A Social Media Manager
Social media is no longer just for personal use. Today businesses are expected to maintain their own social media pages. An online presence with search engine optimization (SEO) is an important component of a successful business.

Caregiving in the Midst of Covid 19
Caregiving is a hard job. It is challenging even when we are caring for a loved one and we want to be their caregiver. When we add in the normal realities of day to day life it can become a source of stress

Working From Home While Caring For Kids
Working from home can be challenging all on its own. It is even more challenging if you are used to having an office that you can go to and work in peace with equipment to help you do your job and coworkers you can collaborate with in person easily.